Why Teleradiology is a More Accountable Solution

As you have probably experienced, running a diagnostic imaging center is not a simple thing to do,teleradiology especially since the environment has become so competitive. However, thanks to innovations in technology, there are better ways to tackle this issue, and one of them has to do with teleradiology.

Expand Your Horizons
Teleradiology is an expanding industry, which means now is the time to get involved. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the clinical environment, a nursing home or a large hospital – if you’re seeing expansion, you need to jump on teleradiology to bring you more benefits that a growing institution needs. Instead of spreading your radiology department too thin, teleradiology solutions can be used to help you operate more efficiently.

With teleradiology on your side, you can utilize the abilities of one or more radiologists to read and report on X-rays, CT/MRI scans, etc. Meanwhile, the remainder of your radiology staff can perform the actual exams on site while relying on the teleradiologist(s) to interpret exams. This assists in getting your patients in to the exams they need for speedy diagnoses and treatment.

Improve Workflow
For those that have adopted teleradiology, you might have noticed a challenge in regard to accountability. While there are many benefits to teleradiology, you often get the feeling that the exams you send go seemingly to nowhere. When the priority of one exam exceeds that of another, there is no way to change it.

With the best vendors offering teleradiology solutions, you not only get to alter the priority of exams, you also get to see who’s got it, what they’ve done with it, and when you’ll get it back. There is no anticipation, waiting for that report that you and your patient really need.

Backups and Disaster Recovery
Many healthcare organizations will require backups of all scans done. However, they don’t have the space for them on-site. Given the sheer size of many images today and the volume of them, it’s no surprise that servers are overflowing. That’s why going with a cloud-based vendor of teleradiology services can assist you.

When you partner with the right vendor, you’re getting unlimited space, not only as a backup, but also for disaster recovery services, which means your data is replicated in numerous, geographically disparate locations. Instead of maxing out your server space and relying on the server alone as a backup, your cloud-based provider will have your back.

At OffSite Image Management, Inc., we’ve developed a teleradiology solution that holds everyone accountable, provides better workflow and offers more flexibility in regard to changing the priority of an exam. Our clients aren’t just hooked up with top-notch teleradiology services with our TeleRad360 solution, they’re also partnering with a company that provides cloud-based image management solutions that improve every aspect of their imaging needs.